Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Service Marketing This life is quite challenging if we...
Service Marketing This life is quite challenging if we look at things from a different perspective in terms of responsibilities that we have to shoulder at almost all the stages of our lives there are a number of social and personal and private commitments that have to be met quite religiously. Personal commitments are those, which you take on yourself. These are the things that are required to be done to get somewhere in life and to live the life to its purpose and to make things much more meaningful. This may include taking in time to teach you about different cultures and providing for detailed description. We live in a highly global village where almost everything is interlinked and the diversity of cultures requires us to exhibit†¦show more content†¦Organizations diversify out of commitment to achieve better results and people have to do the same to update themselves. The demands and processes keep changing and that is what requires all these commitments to be highl y pronounced. There was a time when people used to avoid change but that did not leave them anywhere. You need to be on an n even keel with the world as it changes around you and so does the surrounding and the environment. Diversification is a process that enhances the strength of the organizations and firms to defend themselves in a more apt manner. Famous economist George Soros wrote in his paper on Diversification in 1998 that everyday is a new frontier and we are part of it and exposed to it. That is why we see business people doing so much of reading and we see so many people educating themselves at the later stages of our lives when we are through our formal stages of education. If we do not work on these we will not know about the changing technologies and so on and you have to be on the prowl if you want to be on the move rather than being overrun by someone who is much more advanced than us. It is true for personnel, literates and individuals. They all have their share o f updating to do and moreover they should be working on themselves because with the pace of the world the personal diversity is a must to have these changes to be made to bear. Personal commitments areShow MoreRelatedGlobal System For Mobile Communications1632 Words  | 7 Pagesa GSM one. This system started in Europe countries and United states is one of the country which is adapted this system. Hence GSM- Global system for mobile communications - it is a globally adapted the main or greatest advantage of the system is one can use this type of mobile anywhere in the world. Mobile Phone market has a huge demand to improve the service and function from manufacturer’s perspective. Globally , Mobile phones became an important part of peoples life. The life time changesRead MoreManaging Profitable Customer Relationship7707 Words  | 31 PagesChapter 1 Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships GENERAL CONTENT: Multiple-Choice Questions 1. 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