Friday, November 29, 2019
Grapes of Wrath the Theme of Decay free essay sample
One of the most pervasive themes in this passage is that of a spreading decay that is taking over the society. This is first expressed in quite a literal sense, as an actual decay of fruit and produce, which spreads like a virus across the American countryside and farming lands. Due to the economic mismanagement of the farming industry, fruit and other produce are left to rot and decay on the trees because they are not picked by the farmers. The text gives many examples of different fruits being left to decay on the farms. We see, for example, the cherries, that are described at first as â€Å"full and sweet†, being left to turn into seeds which â€Å"drop and dry with black shreds hanging from them†. The purple prunes, which now â€Å"carpet the ground†, fill the valley with â€Å"the odor of sweet decay†. Pears are left to be devoured by the yellowjackets, and give off a smell of â€Å"ferment and rot†. We will write a custom essay sample on Grapes of Wrath: the Theme of Decay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Grapes are not good enough to make good wine, and the wine that is made from them is â€Å"the smell of decay and chemicals†. As we can see, the text goes into quite a lot of detail in the description of the different fruits decaying all over the State. Fruits of all sorts are left to decay, and, like a virus, this decay is spreading rapidly. The passage shows this spread quite explicitly as well, using repetition to show the way in which this sense of decay is infecting each and every farm and the fruit it produces. Structurally, the text repeats each paragraph to show how each fruit is similarly decaying, and the same descriptions are used over and over again in each description. The descriptions of fruit â€Å"carpeting the ground†, and of the â€Å"smell of ferment and rot†are repeated in each paragraph that speaks about the fruit. This has two effects. First, it reinforces the helplessness that is felt by the farmers, as the same thing is happening to each one of the different types of fruit. Each time there is the same cause, and the same effect, but nothing seems to be able to be done. Repetition thus expresses the absurdity of the situation, as well as the frustration of the farmers faced with it. Secondly, the repetition depicts figuratively the accumulation and spreading of the problem. It is not a problem that is isolated to one kind of fruit, or one particular farming community, but a problem that is rapidly becoming widespread. The image of â€Å"the smell of rot filling the country†also reinforces this idea of an unstoppable spread of decay, infiltrating the whole country bit by bit. This spreading decay is not only literal in the text, but it also symbolizes the proliferation of social injustice and inequality that is infecting the country. Interestingly, the text uses the spreading decay of the fruit as a cause, a symptom and a symbol of the spreading social inequality and discontent. The decaying fruit is a cause of the social discontent, as the rotting fruit is an affront to those who cannot afford to buy enough food for themselves and their families. As the text says: â€Å"a million people hungry, needing the fruit – and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains†. People are literally forced to watch â€Å"potatoes float by†, â€Å"screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quicklime†, and â€Å"mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze†. The waste of good food is thus a cause of separation between producers and consumers, as the potential consumers of produce cannot understand the willful destruction of fruit and food that could have been such a benefit to them. We see in the text a very vivid depiction of this causal relationship: â€Å"children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange†. Social inequality and intense discontent is thus created, forming a rift in the different class groups. The rotting fruit is also a symptom of an even greater social inequality, which puts the â€Å"great owners†in direct opposition with the â€Å"people†, the â€Å"little farmers†. The economic system in which the farming community has been forced to work has lead to this situation, resulting in rotting fruit and a spreading decay. It is because of the low prices set for fruit by the great owners and the banks that fruit is no longer profitable to be picked. The great owners can let prices drop on fruit because they make profit from also owning canneries, and thus have a growing monopoly on the fruit trade. Little farmers are increasingly edged out of the market, as they are unable to make any sort of profit from picking the fruit and selling it. The amount of money it would cost just to hire enough people to pick the fruit would be more than they would make from the subsequent selling of the picked fruit. Fruit must then be left to rot, and it is thus a symptom of the inequality that exists between the corporations and the independent farmers. Symbolically, however, the rotting fruit is also a representation in itself of the social inequality and discontent that is spreading. Society itself is succumbing to a decay that is spreading rapidly and visibly.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Attribution Theory essays
Attribution Theory essays The purpose of this review was to discuss the development of attribution theory. Since there is no unifying theory of attribution, this review attempts to explain central ideas comprising the basic tenet that attribution theory describes how people make causal explanations about reality, as well as the behavioral and emotional consequences of those explanations. Attribution theory was developed over time from several social psychologists, including Fritz Heider, Edward Jones, Keith Davis, and Harold Kelley. Heider played a central role in defining attribution theory in 1958, in his book The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships. In 1965, Jones and Davis expanded attribution theory through their systematic hypothesis about the perception of intention in their essay From Acts to Dispositions. Harold Kelley tied together the theoretical foundation of attribution theory in his landmark paper Attribution Theory in Social Psychology in 1967. This paper will identify three key co ncepts comprising attribution theory. Attribution theory describes the processes of explaining events and behavior, and the behavioral and emotional consequences of those explanations. The theory developed within social psychology as a means of dealing with questions of social perception. One of the most influential persons involved in attribution theory, Harold Kelley, reported that attribution theory was significant because When the attributions are appropriate, the person undoubtedly fares better in his decisions and actions than he would in the absence of the causal analysis (Kelley, 1973). This theory has made an astounding impact on modern psychology; "Attribution theory came to rival cognitive dissonance as one of the most imperialistic theories in social psychology. Attribution theory was seen as relevant to the study of person perception, event perception, attitude change, the acquisition of self-knowledge, thera...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Architecture beneath Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Architecture beneath Nature - Essay Example The residential sector has increasingly adapted landscape architecture. Homes have been built as part and puzzle of the landscape implying a balanced ecological system. Buildings beneath the ground have been treasured in the sense that they are unseen and they resemble the landscape (Hagan, 2001). This implies that they are designed in an attractive way and the decorations are not different with the natural features. This has led to increase in the trend of architecture beneath the ground and an increase in the art. Globally, the art of architecture beneath the landscape has been adapted due to the magnificent products it offers after a thorough work of art and design. Furthermore, the space utilized in the creation of such features, has globally been accepted as part and puzzle of the environment. This is because it creates no negative impacts, but contributes to the beauty of the surrounding landscape (Tsui, 1999). Buildings that are invisible are designed to match the entire feature of the landscape. For instance, buildings in a hilly topography are built to be inside the hill and thus no one can suspect or even think of an existing building within the hill. It can be compared to the nature of camouflage since buildings in rocky and gully landscapes are designed in the same sense hence unseen buildings being part of the landscape. On the contrary, some buildings can be unseen but some parts are seen. This implies that the building is completely out of view, but the entrance is visible signifying that a building or structure exists in a certain landscape (Tsui, 1999). Architecture beneath nature creates another important aspect that changes the entire study of architecture. This is because this field of architecture is different and accompanied extensive invention and innovation. It is also different in the sense that buildings communicate with nature
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Board Governance and Volunteer Management in Nonprofits Term Paper
Board Governance and Volunteer Management in Nonprofits - Term Paper Example n should be run directly under the aegis of the board of governors who make all the decisions and decide what exactly the charter of the organization is going to be. They will understand the very basis of the management as well as the ways and means through which people are hired, jobs are assigned and tasks delegated to one another (Nelson 1997). The organizational plan also encompasses the relationships with similar nonprofit or for-profit organizations and how the two work along with one another to bring about a symbiotic association. The organizational plan for at-risk girls banks a great deal on the linkages of these organizations with each other, most of which deal specifically with the emphasis on at-risk schools and children (Barrett 1995). Also the manner in which the organization is going to operate on a regular basis, its functional costs, its pending issues and so on need to be taken care of at the highest level. These aspects are important as they mention each and every pointer in complete totality. The specific tools and strategies which the at-risk girls organization must make use of include the basis of its recruitment and selection, the manner in which new employees are hired, trained and then let off their jobs (removal from service). It also comprises of their orientation at the organization whilst being supervised by the employers themselves. The board members are chosen on a strict guideline where they are evaluated time and again as per their work basis. The non-governing volunteers and the employees who do pro bono work are also taken care of. Their selection is a very cumbersome process, but one that surely requires a stringent approach. These tools and strategies need to be drawn up in such a manner that there is complete accountability and clarity at all ranks, and no apprehensions are raised as such (Beeler 1994). At-risk girls organization is a nonprofit institution therefore it is necessary to find out how money will flow and how
Monday, November 18, 2019
Gender and sexualities. Qustions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Gender and sexualities. Qustions - Essay Example From the very ancient age these rules and regulations are present which differentiate men and women in the society. Cultures of the people differ on the basis of their ethnicity, race, religion, class, age, nation etc. People of various cultures follow different rules and regulations. For this reason believes, values and actions of people of diverse cultures vary from each other. In this essay various theories, philosophies, social norms regarding sexualities and gender will be discussed. In the present scenario the idea and concepts of the people regarding gender are influenced by their professional world and social environment. Various issues of gender and sexualities are discussed in history by sociopolitical and historical theory. Racism and gender discrimination are major problems which are present in many countries of the world. For these issues the lives and activities of the people are influenced a lot. Many movements took place against gender discrimination and racism which helped to change the perception of the people regarding these issues. Question 1 According to me culture plays an important role in shaping up the perception of people regarding gender and sexualities. The lives of men and women are strongly affected by cultural rules and regulations.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Implications of Human Resource Department Becoming Strategic
Implications of Human Resource Department Becoming Strategic The human resource management is a coherent and much strategic way of managing companys highly valued assets, who the people working in an organization and either individual or collectively ensure the attainment of the organizational goals and objectives. The terminology human resource management and human resource have taken over the place of personnel management, as an explanation of the procedures involved in the management of people in any organization. HRM simply implies to the process of employing individuals, develop their abilities, using them, maintaining them and make their compensation. Through research, a number of articles have been produced proposing certain HR activities that are much linked to strategies of businesses. Furthermore, recent studies have started looking at determinants of human resource practice from the strategic point of view, (Beaumont, 1991). The Role of theory in SHRM Since SHRM exist in an applied nature, it is much significant that the field uses theoretical models that provide room for prediction and understanding the impacts of HR activities in the functioning of a company. It is just till recent that, that the most inadequacies of SHRM, was the lack of theoretical basis that is much strong, that allows the viewing of HRM functioning in larger companies. According to Zedeck and Cisco, (1984), the matters of HRM are part of a system that is much open, and research lacks theories, unless put under broader organizations contexts. Concerning the SHRM dependant variables, it has been stated that, it will be very significant to develop articulated personnel theory that draws from the human resource management. This field instead of having theories, it is characterized by descriptive typologies in place of good theories. The writings in the field of SHRM are just concerned with real advices of empirical data. The SHRM is described as plethora of stat ements since the field lacks proper theories, (Hill Jones, 1998). Though there has been an explicit proposed connection between business strategies and the practices of HR, strategic intent has been viewed as being one determinant of such like practices. Some theoretical models leave out business strategy as a HR practice determinant. By concentrating on determinants that are not as an effect of proactive decision making, it has been argued that SHRM has to look into political and institutional determinants of the HR activities, to the extent of predicting and understanding decision processes of SHRM. The coordination of slate of HR deeds towards some strategic ending has been hindered by the political and institutional forces. Strategic theories of HRM From the time of strategic introduction in the management field, industrial companies strategists have mainly dependent on single frame work of SWOT analysis. The main assistance to the strategy, literature has been centred on portions of these competitive advantages models. It has been argued that SHRM entails two key functions, namely; management of competence and management of behaviours. Competence management entails factors that companies does not ensure its employees have needed skills in execution of some strategies. This take into consideration negotiations with external workers for the attraction, selection, retention and the usage of employees with required skills, knowledge and capabilities for the execution of the strategic business plan. Competence acquisition refers to the practices like selection that ensure organizations employees have the much competence required. Competence utilization involves activities that use latent skills that in the previous strategy had been seen unnecessary. Retention of competence on the other hand refers to the strategies that aim at the retention various competences in the company via the reduction of turnover and continuous training. Lastly, displacement of competence entails practices that target the removal of competencies that are seen not to be necessary for the companys strategy, (Charles Jones, 1998). Management of behaviour on its side, once employees with needed skills and competence are brought in the organization, they work collectively or individually to ensure that they are giving support to the strategy of the organization. Behavioural control on its part entails practices like performance appraisal and systems of pay that looks forward in controlling behaviours of workers, to ensure that they are in line with companys goals. Strategies of coordinating behaviours entail appraisal and organizational development practices that coordinates behaviours across employees to support the strategy of the organization, (Fombrun, Tichy, Devanna, 1984). Snells model of control theory model emphasizes on the importance of coordinating various HRM practices. On the other hand, it explicitly recognizes the imperfect nature of making decisions in SHRM because of bounded uncertainties. Other models assume that environmental and strategic competencies and the real competencies and behavioural responsibility are much important in achieving the strategy. Good HRM activities that elicit such like competencies and behaviours are exactly known in this model. In cybernetic sense, control theory is a dynamic model of continuous environmental monitoring and internal alterations. The HRM activities and adjustments that correspond, these activities whenever outcome tends to move away from the desired system. The agency cost theory model has been connected to the human resources through bureaucratic costs concept. These costs are transaction costs that that are mostly associated with human resource management in a given hierarchy. In this, the HRM activities allow the measurement of contributions that are unique. They also provide enough rewards for personal performances. The agency theory has been used in explaining determinants of things like systems of compensation, (Peter John, 2003). Due to the fact that transaction cost model has been used in strategic management literature, it is now also possible to apply theoretical framework in finding a relation between strategy and SRHM. It might look intuitive that strategy of a company can have an impact on the work nature. To the level that work nature changes, to either have more or less uncertainties. The types of HRM systems are important to monitoring inputs, manners, and even the output changes. This framework provides theoretical foundation for looking at the reasons that makes different strategic decisions giving rise to different HRM activities, (Porter, 1985). Academic Theory Over the last 20 years, empirical studies have been done to find the connection between the HRH and the performances of the organization. Strategic human resource entails three strands of work; Best fit, Best practice and Resource Based. The idea of best practice suggests that the adoption of some best practices in Human Resource management results in better organizations performances. It has been argued by (Pfeffer, 1994) that there exist seven best practices that can be used to attain competitive advantage through individuals and profit building by placing people first. They include employment security, selective hiring, information sharing, intensive training, self-management teams, high pay and reduction of status differentially. Best practice is to be implemented in bundles hence difficult to identify which is the best, as shown by (Elwood et al 1996). Research has shown that best fit argues that HRM improves performance where there exist close vertical fit between HRM practices and the strategies of the company. This enhances coherency between HR people processes and the external market. There are many theories on the nature of this vertical integration. Lifestyle models explain that the policies and practices of HR can be mapped on the on the stage of organizations development. The competitive advantage model, takes the views of porter about the strategic choice and places arrange of HR practices onto the firms choice of the competitive strategies. The configuration model provides a sophisticated approach which advocates for close examination of the firms strategy so that appropriate HR practices and policies can be determined. On the other hand, this method assumes that organization strategies can be identified- many firms exist in a state of development and flux, (Legge, 1989). Recent studies have shown that resource based view forms the foundation of modern human resource management. It concentrates on the internal resources of an organization and how they usually contribute to the competitive advantage. The uniqueness of such resources is preferred to homogeneity. The HRM has the central responsibility of to develop human resources that are rare, valuable, effectively organized and difficult to copy and or substitute. Generally the HRM theory explains that that, the objective of human resource management to assist organizations meet their strategic goals by maintaining and attracting employees on top of effectively managing them. HRM ensures a fit between the firms employees management and overall firms strategic direction, as concluded by (Elwood et al 1996). Strategic Human Resource Evaluation Over the years, companies have realized that workers are needed to be looked upon as competitive advantage. As an impact, the HR department is developing from carrying out simple administrative issues, to being strategic partners. The department has been given the responsibility of ensuring that company objectives have been attained. This development needs new methods of defining and assessing the successes of HR development. It is not sufficient to measure it basing on traditional operational methods of internal efficiency. Due to this, the department of HR, need to value of their strategic participations (Angel, Elizabeth, 2003). Years back, HR department used to measure their achievements by looking at how busy they were, the number of employees recruited or even interviewed among other things. This measure depicted HR practices as being administrative functions required to execute practices t5hat are related to personnel. This HR functioning conception has really changed as companies have started realizing the potential competitiveness of their employees. A large number of organizations are putting in much effort in designing practices of HR that give room for the development of the strategic value of their employees. This approach that is on the way coming, SHRM, calls for the expansion of HR role that involves strategic on top of administrative functions. To change the centred HR also needs the development of new methods of defining and assessing the Hr duties, (Porter, 1985). The modern functions of HR, includes four major complimentary duties. The first role is excellence in administrative work; this role is much significant due to its immediate way of participating in to the efficiency of the organization, and usually helps in building the credibility that is much needed in assuming other influential roles. Secondly; the duty of HR, professionals have to know that employees are champions in all the ways. By recognizing the value of committed, and motivated, the HR has to play his or her critical roles of advocating employees. The department of HR is supposed to be the voice of employees in management discussions, on top of which, the department has initiate programs that airs issues and employee concerns and issues. The two additional roles that modern departments of human resource management are these concerned with the strategic partner, and an agent of change. Since the department is a strategic partner, it calls for continuous evaluation of the alignment between modern practices of HR and the business goals of the organization. It also calls for continuous effort in designing policies and activities that ensures that this alignment is maximized. The professionals in HR have to assist in determining the current culture of the company. Also the structure has to change towards the direction that supports strategy of the company. At the same time, the department of human resource needs to play the main role in management and implementation such like changes that have been established. By assessing potential sources, of resistance to these changes and the collaboration with line managers in ensuring that they overcome these hindrances. The roles that were mentioned earlier, about administrative expertise and champions of employees, are considered day-to-day and operational nature. On the other hand, the duties of strategic partners and agents of changes, stands in for the developing strategic dimensions of the duties of HR. in a similar fashion, the duties of administrative expertise, and the deal of strategic partner with the operations, whilst the champions of employee and agents of change duties concentrates on individuals, (Angel, Elizabeth, 2003). This turn that is taking place in strategic HR functions, makes one to have expectations of observing trends that are parallel in the manner in which the department of HR evaluates its own performances. On the other hand, traditional measures, indicates the degree of operation efficiency, the effects of specific programs of HR, on the strategic objectives of the firm have to be assessed too. This new changes are based on deliverable individuals not on variables that are dabbles. The Department Of HR Challenges in Becoming Strategic Partners Avoiding strategic plans on top of Shelf, though many strategies have been written, only a few have been acted upon. There have been the creation of many visions, but only a few have been realized. Comparing the missions that have been expounded, but only a percentage has been executed. Becoming a member of strategic partner, have a meaning that explains the turning strategic statements into a set of companies action. The process of overcoming SPOTS challenge, calls for professions in HR to forces issues of an organization into strategic discussions, before deciding on the issues that are strategies. The department of HR is supposed to facilitate diagnosis of the organization, which in brief explains on how aligned strategies of business are to the culture of the organization, (Humanresourcesdegreeonline, 2010). Another challenge is the creation of a balanced scorecard. The idea of balanced scorecard has been in existence for long time; however, its application is the one that has been made popular. A scorecard that is much balanced centres on serving many stakeholders, and can be total index in assessing the executive. Conclusion The implications of the human resource department becoming strategic clearly show that there is a change from personnel management to HRM. The implications of department show that the utilization of human resource at different times has played an important role making the department to become strategic. The aspects of human resource management have been designed in a way that it concurs with the needs of surrounding in which changes to SHRM. The basic aspects of SHRM, is rooted on assumption that the human resource strategy can in one way or the other assist in attaining business strategies but also vindicated by it, (Nadeem, 2009). This concepts validity rely on the extent at which it is assumed that individuals create added value, and as a result, there is need for them to be handled as a resource that is much strategic. SHRM is real only when translated into theoretical models and then implemented through personnel strategies. Human resource department needs a shift towards a macr o-point of view, to apply to the broader part of the organization. In fact, there need to be commitments on high quality in the company, which then will become more productive in the firm. Basing on the same point, a stronger leadership group is needed in the department for the exploration of both human and non-human resources.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Chicanoism Today :: essays research papers
Chicanoism Today      For a more symbolic meaning of the word Chicano/a, to many of us it is the mixture of both American and Mexican culture. It had become a political term for those who wanted to find a more specific word to identify themselves with than Hispanic, a word to classify all who spoke Spanish in America from Latin America. In the 60s the word Chicano/a grew strong with many political Mexican-American’s and used it as a source of pride. Today, the older generation of Chicano/as’, some but many, see young Chicano/as’ as those who live in the past or use the pasts’ struggle to reflect on their own lives and go no where to empower their society. For the most part I disagree, I understand and I am grateful for what the older Chicano/as’ have done historical for us newer generations of Chicano/as’ but I resent that I’m labeled as a â€Å"wannabe†. In the definition of what it is to be the newer race of Chicano/as’ I will have to interpret it from what the past has led us to be now.      In many historical moments of the 60s, you could find many racial groups emerging for their rights to liberation from oppression. The Chicano/a movement was certainly one you couldn’t miss in the books. Organizations like the United Farm Workers or the Brown Berets, as well as protests and rallies such as, pro-Affirmative Action, helped in glorifying the meaning of Chicano/a power. It made many Mexican-Americans proud and not alone in a country that didn’t want them there. Yet with such an upraising in praise and pride for this new identity, the movement declined gradually throughout decades to come. Not much political activism had gone on but the word Chicano/a carried on but not in the sense that the Chicano/as of the 60s intended it to be. It would become an identity to those born in America of Mexican parents.      By this time around, now in the 90s, I could have the choice on any application to indicate, optionally, what ethnicity I am. It was either Latino/other, or Mexican/Mexican-American/Chicano. With my parents consent of what I was, I’d proudly pick the box that had Chicano beside it. I grew up proud being Chicana because my dad always had pride in what he was, Mexican. Now, as I write/say this, it isn’t pride so much but honor. I honor being Chicana for what the past Chicano/as’ have done to be recognized but now, I honor what the newer Chicano/as’ will do for themselves and society.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ground Rules Essay
â€Å"Ground Rules are boundaries, rules and conditions within which learners can safely work and learns†. (Gravells A, 2010). This above definition explains that all learners require boundaries and rules within which to work. These must be made very clear and early on in the course; these terms could be set by organisation and/or produced by the tutor himself. In fact setting ground rules will help everyone know their limits. Learners like routine and will expect tutor to be organised and professional. â€Å"Ground rules articulate a set of expected behaviours for classroom conduct. They can be set by the instructor or created by the students themselves (some people believe that students adhere more to ground rules they have played a role in creating)†. (Carnegie Mellon, 2005). These rules must be shaped as soon as possible to help maintain order, underpin behaviour and promote respect. They should lead to a set of guidelines regarding acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and set clear boundaries within which to work. If they are not set, problems may occur which could disrupt the session and lead to misunderstandings. The instructor should explain the purpose to ensure that discussions are spirited and passionate without descending into argumentation, to ensure that everyone is heard, to ensure that participants work together toward greater understanding rather than contribute disjointed pieces. Some instructors ask students to sign a contract based on the ground rules; others simply discuss and agree to the ground rules informally. It is important for instructors to remind students of these ground rules periodically, particularly if problems occur (for example, students cutting one another off in discussion or making inappropriate personal comments). Instructors should also be sure to hold students accountable to these rules, for example, by exacting a small penalty for infractions (this can be done in a lighthearted way, perhaps by asking students who violate the rules to contribute a quid to a class party fund), by factoring conduct during discussions into a participation grade for the course, or by pulling aside and talking to students whose conduct violates the agreed-upon rules. 2. Establish Ground Rules: Classroom management and discipline can make or break a teacher. Even the most knowledgeable teachers can struggle with maintaining an effective and orderly learning environment.  Setting ground rules and consequences early, practicing procedures and enforcing rules consistently can contribute to a teacher’s educational success. Often problems arise with students because of unclear expectations about your role as a tutor and about their role as a student and a member of the class. Establishing expectations or ground-rules at the beginning of semester can help clarify these expectations and help in maintaining a good working relationship between you and the group, individual students, and among the students themselves. 2.1 Setting up the Rules: To set ground rules for student activities a behaviour code which all the class will agree with it. This helps to create feelings of trust when beginning to address the feelings the students may have when thinking and talking about the emotive problem. Getting the students to generate the ground rules themselves can also help to establish rules that will be more likely to be kept by the group, as students will feel like tutor trusted and valued their perspectives. A set of ground rules can be a helpful tool when having to deal with difficult situations at a later date. For example, if some students are dominating discussion or behaving inappropriately, being able to refer back to the ground rules that the students themselves negotiated can be quite powerful in getting back control of the class. It’s also quite useful to review the ground rules during the semester, to get feedback from students on how they think things are going, if there are any rules that aren’t working or any rules that should be added. Some possible ways to generate a set of ground rules with the learners include the following: (1) Use pyramiding to get students thinking about their expectations and what they would like as ground rules. First, ask students to think about (and write down) what kind of expectations they would like set for the group on their own, then after a couple of minutes, they turn to their partner and share their ideas, and then each pair joins with another pair and this group of 4 shares ideas and negotiates a common set of ideas. After a few minutes (say 5 – 10 minutes), ask one member of each group to report back to the whole class and you write each idea on the board. Once a set of expectations/rules has been generated, discuss the list with the class, clarifying if needed and making changes (if appropriate). (2) Start with a short list of rules and expectations that you have created, project this on an overhead projector (OHP) or write on the board, and ask the learners to form small groups (around 4 students) and discuss the list, do they agree, is anything missing, etc? Then ask each group to feed back to whole learners their comments. This then works in a similar way to the last part of pyramiding. (3) Ground rules can also be set up by having a group discussion. It is best to have the ground rules mutually agreed so that both tutor and learner has an opportunity to put their views forward and they must be doable. Once everyone’s views are considered, a set of rules that suit everyone can be designed. Learners are more likely to be committed and adherent to these rules and less likely to be broken, since they were designed by the group itself. After ground rules are agreed, they will have to be written down and distributed to every member of the classroom, and a copy will be displayed in a visible place in the classroom, all through the length of the course. Also it has to be agreed among in the learners how the tutor will react if rules are broken. Learners have to be warned, as to what actions will be taken and disciplinary procedures made aware which will be different for each institution. This will create a safe and respectful environment in which all participants will have the opportunity to benefit from the learning experience. 3. Appropriate Examples of Ground Rules: 3.1 Examples: Each and every learner is different when it comes to behaviours and respect for others. So agreements have to be made about expected behaviour in the classroom. Ground rules are mutually agreed arrangements between the tutors and the learners, which ensure that the views and needs of all learners are valued and appreciated. It helps learning, easy in the classroom. Learners need to know what the teacher expects from them and what they can expect from the teacher during the course. They need to know where the boundaries lie and what will happen if they step over the boundaries. These rules have to be established by thinking carefully, expressing clearly and enforcing consistently. Ground rules can be set either by the tutor, or by the learner or by the tutor and learners together. Here are some examples of Ground rules: * Listen actively and attentively. * Ask for clarification if you are confused. * Do not interrupt one another. * Challenge one another, but do so respectfully. * Critics ideas, not people. * Do not offer opinions without supporting evidence. * Avoid put-downs (even humorous ones). * Take responsibility for the quality of the discussion. * Build on one another’s comments; work toward shared understanding. * Always have your book/readings in front of you. * Do not monopolize discussion. * Speak from your own experience, without generalizing. * If you are offended by anything said during discussion, acknowledge it immediately. * Consider anything that is said in class strictly confidential. * Everyone will be on time. * Respect each other’s point of view. * Listen to each other, and don’t interrupt when another person is speaking. * Don’t criticise or ‘put down’ another person. * Come prepared for each class. * Turn off mobile phones. * Behave Seriously. * No Violence. * Helps other so everybody can enjoy the lesson. 4. Setting Ground Rules to promote respect for others: Well-defined rules in the classroom can prevent many behavioural difficulties. When learners are involved in the development of the rules, they are more likely to adhere to them and understand why they have been put into place. â€Å"Ground rules are boundaries, rules, and conditions within which learners can safely work and learn. If they are followed, they should promote respect for others and ensure the sessions run smoothly†. (A.Gravells, 2008) So agreements have to be made about expected behaviour in the session. Ground rules are mutually agreed arrangements between the tutors and the learners, which ensure that the views and needs of all learners are valued and appreciated. It helps learning, easy in the session. Learners need to know what the tutor expects from them and what they can expect from the tutor during the course. They need to know where the boundaries lie and what will happen if they step over the boundaries. These rules have to be established by thinking carefully, expressing clearly and enforcing consistently. Ground rules can be set either by the tutor, or by the learner or by the tutors and learners together. Ground rules can be set up by having a group discussion. It is best to have the ground rules mutually agreed so that both tutor and students have an opportunity to put their views forward and they must be doable. Once everyone’s views are considered, a set of rules that suit everyone can be designed. Learners are more likely to be committed and adherent to these rules and less likely to be broken, since they were designed by the group itself. It will instil positive discipline and maximise learning since the rules were set up with them and not enforced. As a tutor, ground rules will be to ensure that tutor will be fully prepared for the session, be punctual with start and finishing times for each session and make sure markings are completed in time. Tutor must make sure not to put down anyone, encourage the learners, assist in team work, help with course completion, be professional and honest, be non-judgemental and will have interactive teaching and no politics. Learners must have to decide on their ground rules like, respect for others, punctuality, confidentiality, honesty, equality of opportunity, learn and listen, no interruption, mobile phones off, no abusive language, self-control, no politics. After ground rules are agreed, they will have to be written down and distributed to every member of the classroom, and a copy will be displayed in a visible place in the classroom, all through the length of the course. Also it has to be agreed in the class how the tutor will react if rules are broken. Learners have to be warned, as to what actions will be taken and disciplinary procedures made aware which will be different for each institution. This will create a safe and respectful environment in which all participants will have the opportunity to benefit from the learning experience. Conclusion: This assignment focus on the ground rules between the tutor and learner. It defines some general ground rules between them, ways to establish and setting up in that way so it could promote respect for other learners. As I have already defined that Ground rules are the boundaries and conditions in which a learner can work and learn safely so these rules should be be established at the beginning of a course, and the tutor should explain the purpose they serve to ensure that discussions are spirited and passionate without descending into argumentation. It is vitally important point behind the ground rules that we could provide safe learning environment which promote respect for among the learner. At the end of this assignment, I conclude that these ground rules are the basic rules which create harmonious and safe environment during session, avoid the disaster situations and create a respective feelings for each other.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How to Apply to Grad School
How to Apply to Grad School Most applicants become anxious when they realize that graduate school applications are very different from college applications. What do you need to know when applying to graduate school? First, the process of getting into graduate school can be confusing and downright overwhelming. Yet nearly all grad school applications are consistent in requirements. These include the following: TranscriptsGRE or other standardized test scoresLetters of recommendationAdmissions essay(s), also known as a personal statement Ensure that your grad school application contains all of these components because incomplete applications translate into automatic rejections. Transcripts Your transcript provides information about your academic background. Your grades and overall GPA, as well as what courses youve taken, tell the admissions committee a great deal about who you are as a student. If your transcript is filled with easy As, such as those earned in classes like Basket Weaving 101, youll likely rank lower than a student who has a lower GPA comprised of courses in the hard sciences. You wont include your transcript in the application that you send to the graduate program. Instead, the registrars office at your school sends it. This means that youll have to visit the registrars office to request your transcript by completing forms for each graduate program to which youd like to forward a transcript. Begin this process early because schools require time to process your forms and send the transcripts (sometimes as much as two to three weeks). You dont want your application to be rejected because your transcript was late or never arrived. Be sure to check that your transcript has arrived at each of the programs to which youve applied. Graduate Record Exams (GREs) or Other Standardized Test Scores Most graduate programs require standardized exams such as the GREs for admission. Law, medical and business schools usually require different exams (the LSAT, MCAT and GMAT, respectively). Each of these exams is standardized, meaning that they are normed, permitting students from different colleges to be compared meaningfully. The GRE is similar in structure to the SATs but taps your potential for graduate-level work. Some programs also require the GRE Subject Test, a standardized test that covers the material in a discipline (e.g., Psychology). Most graduate admissions committees are inundated with applications, so apply cut-off scores to the GRE, considering only applications that have scores above the cut-off point. Some, but not all, schools reveal their average GRE scores in their admissions material and in graduate school admissions books. Take standardized tests early (typically, the spring or summer before you apply) to guide your selection of programs and to ensure that your scores arrive at the schools you want to get in early. Letters of Recommendation The GRE and GPA components of your grad school application portray you in numbers. The letter of recommendation is what permits the committee to begin thinking of you as a person. The efficacy of your letters rests on the quality of your relationships with professors. Take care and choose appropriate references. Remember that a good recommendation letter helps your application tremendously but a bad or even neutral letter will send your graduate application into the rejection pile. Do not ask for a letter from a professor who knows nothing more about you than the fact that you got an A such letters do not enhance your application, but detract from it. Be courteous and respectful in asking for letters and provide enough information to help the professor write a valuable letter. Letters from employers can also be included if they include information on your duties and aptitude relating to your field of study (or your motivation and quality of work, overall). Skip getting letters from friends, spiritual leaders and public officials. Admissions Essay The admissions essay is your opportunity to speak up for yourself. Carefully structure your essay. Be creative and informative as you introduce yourself and explain why you want to attend graduate school and why each program is a perfect match to your skills. Before you begin writing, consider your qualities. Think about who will be reading your statement and what they are looking for in an essay. Not only are they committee members; they are scholars who are searching for the kind of motivation that implies a dedicated and intrinsic interest in the matters dealt with in their field of study. And they are looking for someone who will be productive and interested in their work. Explain your relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments into your essay. Focus on how your educational and occupational experiences such as research led you to this program. Dont rely only on emotional motivation (such as I want to help people or I want to learn). Describe how this program will benefit you (and how your skills can benefit the faculty within it), where you see yourself in the program and how it fits into your future goals. Be specific: What do you offer? Interview Although not part of the application, some programs use interviews to get a look at finalists. Sometimes what looks like a great match on paper isnt in person. If youre asked to interview for a graduate program, remember that this is your opportunity to determine how well a fit the program is for you. In other words, youre interviewing them, as much as they are interviewing you.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Embryonic Stem Cell Research essays
Embryonic Stem Cell Research essays In 1998, scientists discovered that they could isolate embryonic stem cells. They believed that these cells could be more beneficial than adult stem-cells in curing afflictions. Many people and researchers are pushing to get federal grants and the go-ahead to do embryonic stem-cell research for cures for diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injuries. Nancy Reagan has also accused President Bush of not caring enough for human life to do what is necessary to find cures for American's most feared illnesses. The problems with using these cells are that embryonic stem-cells are not easily controlled, and adult stem cells have already proven effective in treating some of these diseases without killing anyone. Embryonic stem-cell research is not the answer to diseases or injuries, and these unborn babies should be protected. "Embryonic stem cells are harder to control in their effects, sometimes generating tumors and other less-tha n-welcome surprises" ( Regardless, scientists continue to speculate that the versatility of these embryonic stem cells may be coaxed into becoming any number of cell types, thereby holding great promise for healing the human body. However, to date scientists attempting to use embryonic stem cells in such research have failed. The Christian Medical Association (CMA), in a letter to Congress and the president, emphasized, "scientific evidence demonstrating that human embryonic stem cells have proven difficult to develop and maintain unstable and mutate in culture, often act abnormally, and tend to form cancerous tumors" ( According to the Executive of CMA, Director David Stevens, M.D., "Problems of tumor formation, uncontrollability, and genetic instability are now cited among the reasons why embryonic stem cells cannot safely be used in huma...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Health Care and Social Status in the Middle Ages Research Paper
Health Care and Social Status in the Middle Ages - Research Paper Example erfs, promised to work hard and serve their lord in exchange for a small hut and food; those that were of aristocratic class promised to protect the serfs at all costs (Abels). With such promises in place, there was virtually no need for anyone to enforce feudalism, as everyone simply knew where they belonged and what their duties were to each other. Feudalism was not a new concept to Europe. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that the Germanic peoples, long considered a race of warriors, practiced a way of life in which the warrior class left all land holdings to the care and trust of others, while using their time to defend their lands or make war on others (Stephenson, 1956). Companions also traveled with the warriors, and in return for their service, expected little more than food, water, and a share of any winnings that may come from victorious conflicts (Stephenson, 1956). Though the beginnings were humble, feudalism soon rose to be a standard way of life throughout Europe in th e Middle Ages, complete with rigid, even unbreakable social structures that affected almost every aspect of life during that time. In many ways, feudalism was seen as a benefit to all. Regional landowners held the power to enforce any laws, as well as to settle disputes (Quigley, 2003). Those of lower class were given the benefit of protection by lords, as well as knights in the employ of landowners, and could run into the castles or manor houses if an invasion took place (Quigley, 2003). The disparities of feudalism, however, cannot be argued, particularly in the vast distinction from rich to poor. The rich, namely landowners and aristocracy, were catered to and could expect a life of health and privilege, while the poor serfs and commoners who constituted a majority of the population were... Through the use of books and the internet, this research paper examines not only feudalism in general and the social structure that depended upon it, but the various diseases and options that were available to the different classes based upon their status for medical treatment, alongside common problems that were widespread in the Middle Ages and gave no thought to the same status that those who lived during that era held dear. Feudalism was not a new concept to Europe. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that the Germanic peoples, long considered a race of warriors, practiced a way of life in which the warrior class left all land holdings to the care and trust of others, while using their time to defend their lands or make war on others. Feudalism soon rose to be a standard way of life throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, complete with rigid, even unbreakable social structures that affected almost every aspect of life during that time. The divisions between the wealthy, or nobility, and those of commoner status were vast in many ways, but none as great as when it came to the health care that was available. The researcher mentiones that given the hygienic and sanitation standards of the time, it is not surprising that disease spread freely and unchecked throughout the population, differing little from nobility to common serf. It is concluded that even those with doctors at their disposal, such as the aristocrats and wealthy landowners, were at a disadvantage due to the thoughts of the time.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Retail Employee Management-Assignment 5_05 Assignment
Retail Employee Management- 5_05 - Assignment Example Compensation package is always the main attraction for the company. Any employee will remain attached to the company, which is offering a competitive and hansom salary package. In addition to basic salary packages, some extra or additional facilities also motivate employees to be loyal to the company. Employees themselves want to get opportunities of growth and development. Therefore, employees will stay at any company where they can avail many opportunities for personality or we can say skill development. Every time a strict boss behavior is not a good tool for management. Sometimes employees feel privileged when they get any opportunity to be a part of decision making authority. Therefore we can say that employees may be motivated to remain attach to the company where there is participative decision making. A good team is always the true support for any individual for gaining more success towards the goal. A company where there is a very friendly environment and usually people work in teams and groups then this may also be one of the reasons for employee attachment to the
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